Learn About Our Community

A Culture of Compassion

retirement communities orange county

A Perfect Location

Park Vista Health Center is a well-respected senior care provider nestled among rolling hills and landscaped grounds in North Orange County. In our assisted living community in Orange County, we offer multi-levels of care such as skilled nursing, rehabilitation, assisted living, and memory care. Located all on the same campus, you can have enhanced peace of mind that your loved ones will Live Better, Live Longer.

Offering Over Twenty Years of Outstanding Service

Park Vista homes are the obvious choice for short or long-term care needs in Fullerton. We are committed to making a difference in the lives of residents and their families. Our goal is to maximize the physical, cognitive, social, and spiritual potential of all our residents. We will work together to meet those needs for your loved one.

Parkvista Proudly
Great Places to work banner for 2024-25
Park Vista Brochure
US News Best Nursing Home Awards 2025 for short term and long term care.
Skilled Nursing Button
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memory Button
Assisted Living Button

Want more info?

There's a lot to learn—and we’re happy to get you more info right away. Just fill out the form and we will get back to you soon.

Schedule a Tour

tel (714) 256-1000

Simply call and say you would like a tour of the health center and we will accommodate your schedule.

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Contact Us

Park Vista
2525 N. Brea Blvd.
Fullerton, CA 92835
tel (714) 256-1000

© 2023 Park Vista — We are an equal opportunity employer. Continuing Life LLC provides support and services to leading senior housing communities under a services and licensing agreement that allows for use of the Continuing Life® mark. The company does not own, nor is it financially responsible for, Core Care V dba Park Vista. State of California License #300613274.